Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time For A Quickie!

What do you do when you're out of biscuits and you're craving for something sweet and rich??

Take a piece of bread, sprinkle a bit of brown sugar, milo and a generous amount of shredded cheddar cheese. Microwave on high for 20 seconds. Eat! Yums! wink


  1. aduiiiiii... time2 orang mau diet.. time2 tu lah dia mau share recipe sedap2 ni!! LOL! hahahaah.. nasib baik lah i don't have a microwave here.

    nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih..

  2. Aiyooo, this is not going to do my diet good la! But it does sound tempting enough to try ... LOL!

  3. Shemah ~ Laaa... ko selim suda ba. Tia payah diet2 lagi ba... hehehe

    Sedap oh ni resepi, kalu ada susu junjung, gerenti laagi sedaps! :P

    Spiff ~ Hey spaceman no need to diet la. Just use ray gun to zap your perut buncit... wakakaka!

  4. Hi Brad! Surprised to find you here but happy :D

    Milo is urmmm... it's a chocolate malt drink. It's probably named differently in your country.

    Here's the link if you need more info on Milo :)


gimme crumbs! gimme more crumbs! ^-^