Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kuih Penjaram aka Edible Hats

for this traditional Sabahan delicacy, you'll need...

1/2 kg wheat flour
1 kg glutinous rice flour
1 kg brown sugar
500 ml water
a few drops of soy sauce/kicap pekat (for coloring)
oil for deep frying
mix well all ingredients except oil (ensure mixture resembles waffle mixture but slightly thicker)
leave overnight (preferable)
deep fry in a small wok (ensure oil is absolutely hot before frying)
slowly pour a cupful of batter in the middle of the wok, wait till kuih rises to the top and turn over
fry till golden brown
eat with a mug of steaming hot coffee! Bliss! coffee

click here for more pictures!


  1. They look like sombreros la ... make la some over here, then can sell and you can be super rich ... hehehe!

  2. Spiff ~ They do look like little sombreros. I don't have the guts to make them... takut rosak. The recipe may be simple but it's not easy to make.

  3. my mom selalu buat ni kuih. me? never tried..hehe.. ada pantang kunun kalu buat penjaram, nda bulih bising2 or banyak cakap..nanti nda jadi..betul ka tida, nda tau la.. :)

  4. Mama Mia ~ Iya btul tu, memang banyak pantang larang buat ni kuih. Inda buli banyak cakap sama tu kuali dia inda buli kana cuci, lap seja... nanti dia punya bunga2 di siring tu kuih inda cantik.

    Sia pun bulum penah buat lagi... slalu tolong my late mom buat dulu. sia suka tingu bila tu bunga2 di siring tu kuih menjadi :)

  5. yang bunga tu la part yg paling sedap..lagi crunchy, lagi sedap..hehe..misti mau try bikin sendiri ni..

  6. ish ish ish ..looks so sedaps Nessa... i want to try and make to make them this shape lah...??

  7. Mama Mia ~ Itulah, sia pun mo try buat ba :) Tapi lupa seja mo bili tu bahan2 dia.

    LJ ~ Memang sedaps tapi very the oily and too sweet. Definitely not for the health conscious... hehe

    Oh the shape forms on its own (during frying process)... takyah buat shape pon. susah la nak explain... kalau ada video bagus gak ni tapi tak tau mana nak cari :(

  8. Hi! Thanks for the recipe. I'll definitely try it out :-)...but I have to be very kind to the kuali and cook in silence?... hmm.... :-)

    Susan B.

  9. LOL! It's true Susan. My mom used to 'shush' me when I helped her goreng these kueh. I always got so excited to see the 'bunga' forming :)

    Good luck to you, I hope they'll turn out well.


gimme crumbs! gimme more crumbs! ^-^