Friday, November 23, 2012

Baking Noob

My poor, poor food blog. Neglected just like the rest of my blogs. Mmmm... another week to go before December (my last post was in December last year) so I think I should be able to squeeze in a line or two. I do love this food blog of mine because it's all about food and I love food. Hey, who doesn't love food, kan??!

I had the opportunity to go makan-makan with my blogging buddies/girlfriends last Sunday. The first time I met them was a year plus ago but when we got together again, it felt as if it was only yesterday. OMG we were loud... haha. I love it! I am very quiet by nature. I love reading books, baking in my spare time, running to de-stress and I really do not like crowded places like parties and clubs but when you're with friends whom you are comfortable with, you tend open up and be as loud as them, sometimes a lil bit louder... ooops!

The past few months I have been kept busy 'experimenting' with my new oven. So far I have baked cupcakes, cheese cakes, carrot cakes and brownies and even roasted a whole chicken. I have yet to attempt making cookies and pies... it's all so overwhelming at times because I hate the measuring part. I find it so tedious but it is all so worth it once your cake turns out really well, nothing beats eating a warm slice of butter cake drizzled in chocolate frosting... Mmmmmmmm...

But the downside of it all is... well, my waistline gets wider. Yeah... bake 3 cakes in a week of course la you get expanding waistline. Why oh why can't we just eat and not gain weight??? It's not fair! I've to  run a couple of marathons just to offset those extra calories and I'm not running enough lately. What with knee injuries and recurring blisters on my feet. Damn those bunions! But I do try to squeeze in at least 3 runs a week, sometimes I get so lazy and just walk instead of run. *guilty face*

Eh, look at me... potpetpotpet... a line or two become 5 paragraphs! Ohhh magic... hahaha. OK la. Gotta go... see you next year, maybe? ;)

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