Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Silicone Baking Cups

I may not be a baker but I would love to buy silicone baking cups if I were to bake cupcakes for my own consumption. These also make for great gifts for a whole range of holidays.

Silicone baking cups come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and attractive colors. Oh, did I mention they're reusable too? By the way, this is NOT a sponsored post ya.happy

Check out these silicone baking cups by Wilton.

Flower and Beary shaped Silicone Baking cups

Heart and Silly-Feet Silicone Baking cups

If you're interested, click here for Wilton's local distributor in Malaysia.


  1. cutenyooooooooooooo.. but first.. i would have to get a new oven first :D

  2. Anny ~ Me tooooo... where to buy cheap oven??

  3. i miss my ole oven in shah alam.. it was a big oven :(

  4. Issit still in Shah Alam? Can I borrow?? ;)

  5. aduh cumilnya..especially yg Silly-Feet tu..

    deii..sia belum pernah ni bake cupcakes..

  6. hahahhaa.. u will need a lorry to carry that :D actually we sold the place recently and sold all the things with it.. i miss my oven :(

  7. Mama Mia ~ Sia pun suka Silly-Feet. Cumil ba ada kaki lagi kan :) I baked once or twice before but lama suda la, crita zaman kanak-kanak riang lagi. Taim tu oven kami di kampung yang old fesyen punya, nampak macam periuk ada tutup... haha

    Anny ~ Wuiii, besornya... bakery punya oven ke??! :P Eh, you mean you stayed in Shah Alam before? Silly question... haha. How long ago was that, if you don mind me asking.

  8. eh.. bukan besor sampai tuh.. hhahahaa.. the stand-alone ovens with cooker top.. it was my dream to have one of those.. now i lost it again.. :(

    yea.. i stayed at shah alam 2 yrs ago :) mebbe we have bumped into each other before at Tescos jugak.. cos that's the only place i went for groceries.

  9. That's my dream oven! Apsal tak angkut pi Ipoh?? Or maybe send to me... LOL!

    Maybe... but 2 years ago I used to shop at Mydin and Giant. Then graduated to Tesco. Next? I love Cold Storage cos of the imported stuff but too expensive :'(


gimme crumbs! gimme more crumbs! ^-^