Thursday, February 4, 2010

happiness is...

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right? ~ Charles Schulz
I should have learned to draw cartoons like Mr. Schultz! happy

Today, I'm not posting about recipes. Today is different because lovely Anny awarded me with the Happiness Award which was timely as I've been feeling down in the dumps since the beginning of the year. It started and it wasn't very nice to me. I crumbled, I cried, I wanted the earth to swallow me.

A close friend once told me God will never put you in a situation you can't handle. That was more than a decade ago and I still find myself in situations I can barely handle. But still I made it through. Miracle, perseverance or am I just plain lucky? I don't know. I know I'm glad I'm still alive surrounded by people I care.

Happiness is a big deal to me. It's not and never about materialistic stuff. I cannot stand dealing with unsolved problems. Just tackle them you may say... I would if I had the means to do it. It's just way too complicated. OK, enuff said.

The things that make me happy...biggrin

my boys, my family, my blogs, my friends, my blogging friends, roof over my head, food, the air I breathe even though sometimes it's contaminated with cigarette smokes, my pillar of strength, and my straight hair : thank god for rebonding (LOL!)

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